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 FREE Social Media Smart LIVE Workshops from The HOW People

Delivered LIVE but also recorded to land in your inbox to be watched anytime!

5th & 12th July
9.30am (40 mins)

Two different FREE 2 x 40 minute workshops delivered LIVE at 9.30am on Zoom/Teams on Monday 5th and 12th July PLUS these will be recorded and delivered to your inbox for you to watch in your own time.

For schools (Year 6), home educated children and families with children aged 10-11 years old. 

We know it is a busy time for teachers, so if you do not have the time to show this at school please could you forward on to the parents of your Year 6 age children as this would be hugely helpful information for them to watch together over the summer. 

Limited spaces available
Full details to follow

*information will be held by The HOW People and not shared. You will receive the Watch. Follow. Read. Do. Buy. newsletter plus information of our events. Unsubscribe at anytime.

  • Data from 2019 showed that 71% have a social media account after the age of 12 compared to 21% before. 

  • Most social media sites have an age restriction of 13 - some are older

  • Half of all 10 year olds have a smartphone 

  • 7-16 year olds = 3 hours 20 mins per day

  • 57% have phones by their bed

What will we cover?

Developing healthy social media habits. 

Why this is important and things to look out for.

Being 'you' on social media. 

Owning your differences and being yourself. 

Group chats and friendship and the issues around this. 

Would you say it to their face? Looking at what sort of things people post online.

What made us come up with these workshops? 

Can you do HOW for boys?
Can you do HOW for Mums?
What about younger kids?

These are the kind of questions we get asked all of the time.   

That got us thinking.   

Do you have a child in Year 6 at school or between 10-11 years old?   

Maybe you are teacher in a junior school, or you teach Year 6 yourself?   

Do you want your Year 6 pupils to have the opportunity of being a part of a new, forward thinking and evolving project?   

What we have heard repeatedly over the last year of running our membership, is that issues with social media, friendship, self esteem and confidence are causing problems at a younger and younger age.  

At The HOW People, we are all about inspiring, educating and arming young people with the tools they will need to navigate their teen years.  

A huge part of this is the tricky transition between primary school and secondary school.  

Does the above sound like you?

We are here, and ready to help.  

If you are involved in the teaching, or know of a year 6 class this would be perfect for, or have children of your own at home then listen up.

Would you like your school to be part of a pilot scheme offering TWO FREE social media sessions to Year 6 pupils in July (5th and 12th July at 9.30am on Zoom) PLUS the opportunity to be part of a new well-being course designed by GP’s, therapists, coaches and experts in their fields starting in October?   

We are currently looking for primary schools plus individuals from all over the country to be involved in these trial workshops to help the transition between primary and secondary school. 

If you like the sound of this and want to hear more, hit the green button and register below. If you have any specifics questions email us on [email protected]   

Limited spaces available.
First come first served.  


Jo and Polly

Absolutely yes! We need this in our lives!