Medical Mavericks Workshops hosted by The HOW People

An exciting opportunity has landed with us that we would LOVE to offer you, absolutely FREE for all children Year 7 and upwards! This is one to watch for anyone interested in the human body and careers within health care.
No cameras. No pressure. No active participation required. You can hit the chat box to ask any questions. 
The HOW People are partnering with Tom from Medical Mavericks to deliver 'The Human Guinea Pig'. You do not want to miss this!
This is NOT about Doctors, Nurses, Midwives or Physiotherapists.  
These are the jobs no one ever tells you about that go on in the background within health care. 
CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION and to book your space. Spots limited. 

The show introduces you to:

  • Cardiac Physiology
  • Respiratory Physiology
  • Neurophysiology
  • Renal & Urodynamics
  • Medical Engineering
  • Prosthetic Engineering
  • Bioinformatics
  • Haematology
  • Lab Science

A mix of amazing facts with EIGHT brilliant LIVE DEMOS that Tom performs on himself during the show. These go alongside fascinating video footage of some of the tests Tom has been through just for the fun of it in hospitals across the UK.

Highlights include:

  • Tom scanning his heart and blood vessels in his neck with an ultrasound
  • Taking a photo of the inside of his eye!
  • Recording an ECG from his heart
  • You also get to see what happened when Tom had a camera put up his nose and into his lungs with a bronchoscopy!

Rated 9.8 / 10 by teachers 

"My class loved it and said you're very funny!"

"That was brilliant!"

"That was amazing!"

Medical Mavericks has been created to inspire the next generation of medics and scientists by digitally taking real medical and sports science equipment into schools, colleges and events all over the UK.  
Join us on either the 21st June 1pm-2pm or 28th June 7pm-8pm. Follow the link below to book for FREE!    

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