Home schooling is a choice made for lots of different reasons. Usually, after a huge amount of discussion, opinion and often judgement from others.
A decision parents make as they feel it is the best direction for their own family or child’s situation at the time. Not something just thrown at you, that you try and muddle through, while working, when you can’t go anywhere or see anyone, in a global pandemic.
What is happening at the moment... Is. Not. Home. Schooling.
This is Crisis Schooling.
We are all just trying to get through, with our heads above water.
This looks different in every house across the nation, and indeed the world, because of differing work patterns and external stresses. Doing school set work at home is pretty tricky for those continuing to work at home with little ones. Trying to help older ones with the tech, logins, something they didn’t understand, the assignments and...